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Legal notices is the website of the PHARMA development laboratory, a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 120,000 Euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under RCS Nevers B 352 563 084 and located Chemin de Marcy 58 800 CORBIGNY, 03 86 20 21 64. PHARMA development male / female equality index: Incalculable.

The Director of publication is Mario GIRON.

The site is hosted by OVH, SAS, 2 Rue Kellerm ann, 59100 Roubaix. To contact this host, go to

The following legal notices detail the conditions that apply to each visitor to this website (hereinafter “the Site”). Consulting the Site implies acceptance and application of these conditions.

The PHARMA development laboratory reserves the right to modify the content of the Site without notice and cannot be held responsible for the potential consequences of these changes. Likewise, the PHARMA development laboratory reserves the right to interrupt or suspend all or part of the functions of the Site at any time and without notice.


Information on the Site and Responsibilities

The information provided on the Site by the PHARMA development laboratory is for purely informational purposes. They are not intended to substitute for advice, treatment, diagnosis or recommendations provided by healthcare professionals and cannot be considered in any way as medical advice or as advice for the use of PHARMA development products. They cannot therefore replace the advice of a health professional, doctor or pharmacist.

The information contained on this Site is as precise as possible and the site is regularly updated, but may however contain errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The laboratory cannot guarantee their completeness or accuracy, whatever the information concerned.

With the exception of direct damage resulting from willful or serious negligence on the part of the PHARMA development laboratory, the PHARMA development laboratory declines all responsibility for any direct or indirect damage, serious or not, which may result from consulting the Site and / or from the use that will be made by the visitor. The same applies to any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party on the Site which would have distorted the information contained in the Site.

Intellectual property

The content of this site is protected by the texts and provisions governing copyright, literary and artistic property rights.

The Site is likely to disseminate various expert opinions or the content of articles published in the specialized press. The content of these articles or expert opinions are the sole responsibility of their authors, they are the expression of a personal point of view and cannot commit the PHARMA development laboratory if they prove to be inaccurate or incomplete.

All texts, illustrations, logos and photographs contained on this Site are the property of the PHARMA development laboratory, with the exception of brands, logos, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these various elements is strictly prohibited without the written consent of PHARMA développement.

This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. In addition, the owners of the copied Content could take legal action against you.


The site was designed to provide institutional information on the PHARMA development Company in France.

The site and its content are subject to French law, including in matters of jurisdiction. Since PHARMA Développement has its registered office in France, the information on this site complies with the legal provisions applicable in France. Regulations in other countries and medical practices may be different, so it is possible that they prove to be inappropriate outside of French territory.

The PHARMA development laboratory designed and developed the Site in accordance with the criteria of the “Charter for the communication and promotion of health products (drugs and medical devices) on the Internet and e-media”, updated in March 2014 .

Data processing

Personal data

The PHARMA Développement Laboratory will not disclose to third parties personal data likely to be communicated by means of the "Contact" page of the Site and by electronic mail. They will only be used for the purpose of responding as effectively as possible to users.

In accordance with "Law n ° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, Law relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and amending law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing. , files and freedoms ”, the visitor has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning him. To do this, you just have to make an online request at:


Use of cookies

In order to evaluate, improve and develop its website, the PHARMA development laboratory uses the Google Analytics web analysis service. This tool mainly uses proprietary cookies, which are text files placed on the user's computer to enable reports on visitors' interactions with the PHARMA development website to be generated. Pseudonymized user profiles are created and cookies are then used. The data collected during the analysis concerns:

  • The browser type / version

  • The operating system used

  • Activities carried out on the PHARMA development website

  • Part of the IP address

  • The time when the analysis was performed

The IP address is partially recorded to avoid precise location of visitors (IP address masking). It cannot be associated by Google with other data that it may hold. During the analysis, no personal information that could identify a person is provided. The data collected is kept for a period of 14 months. Beyond that, they are deleted.

For more information, the visitor can consult the Google page “ How do we use the information collected via the sites or applications which use our services? “.

You can deactivate Google Analytics by clicking here . After installation of the "Browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics" and the current page reloaded, the continuation of the visit to the Site will be without the use of cookies. This deactivation is only valid in this browser and for this website. By continuing to browse, without deactivating the web analysis tool, the visitor expressly consents to the processing of their data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.

The data collected can be deleted. To do this, simply submit an online request to: contact@pharmadé .

Additional information is available through the “ Privacy Policy ” provided by Google.

Hypertext links

The Site may contain hypertext links or references to other websites. The PHARMA development laboratory has no control over the content of third-party websites and cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the consultation of such content. Any link to another website is created solely for the convenience of browsing users of the Site.

PHARMA Développement expressly authorizes the reproduction of the hypertext link to the home page of the site Any other hypertext link constitutes the exclusive property of PHARMA Développement and must be subject to prior authorization by the laboratory. Any request for such prior authorization should be sent to the following address:

Last update of the General Conditions of Use: 02/03/2020

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